Life Science Innovation – Trends in Single Cell Analysis #10

Life Science Innovation – Trends in Single Cell Analysis #10


30. Oktober 2024    
16:00 - 18:00


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Life Science Center Düsseldorf
Merowingerplatz 1, Düsseldorf, 40225


Single Cell Technologies and their Fields of Application (Tumor Cells)

With ‘Trends in Single Cell Analysis #10 we will continue our event format ‘Life Science Innovation’, which provides insights into innovative research topics and current developments in Duesseldorf, NRW and beyond.

We are thrilled to welcome distinguished experts from various fields to discuss cutting-edge advancements in the detection and isolation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and the broader field of liquid biopsies.

Professor Lisa Wiesmüller from Ulm University will enlighten us on the use of mass cytometry to investigate CTCs on the protein level. Additionally, Doctor Zahra Eslami Samarin from the University Medical Centre of Montpellier will share invaluable insights into her latest findings regarding CTCs’ biological interactions with platelets. Additionally, the clinical relevance of CTC presence along with other liquid biopsy, will be discussed.

Lastly, Doctor Siegfried Hauch from QIAGEN will advocate for investigating multiple liquid biopsy analytes simultaneously to gain “the whole picture” of cancer.

Welcoming speech: Dr. Thomas Heck, Life Science Center Duesseldorf

Prof. Dr. Hans Neubauer, PhD, University Hospital Duesseldorf

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Hans Neubauer, PhD, University Hospital Duesseldorf

  • Mass cytometric detection of homologous recombination proficiency in circulating tumor cells to predict chemoresistance of metastatic breast cancer patients.
    Lisa Wiesmüller, PhD, Head of Division of Gynecological Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Stoeklein, MD, University Hospital Duesseldorf

  • Circulating Tumor Cells: Biological Insights and Clinical Relevance through Liquid Biopsy
    Zahra Eslami Samarin, PhD, Laboratory of Rare Human Circulating Cells (LCCRH), University Medical Centre of Montpellier (CHU), Montpellier, France

Moderation: Dr. Rui Neves, PhD, University Hospital Duesseldorf

  • Never Waste a Sample – Multi-analytes in Liquid Biopsy
    Siegfried Hauch, PhD, Sr. Director Scientific Affairs BALS, QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany

Organizer: LifeScienceNet Duesseldorf and the Liquid Biopsy Center Duesseldorf (LBCD) of the University Hospital Duesseldorf



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